ヨガで繋がる世界 ~ 台湾
「池上郷」の大地とそこで出会った人々に多くの感謝を抱きながら、私は台中へ移動しそこでワークショップを行いました。新しくできた「Next Yoga Shop & Studio」は、台中市初のヨガウェア専門店です。インヤンヨガウェアを販売する台湾初のショップであり、今や台湾の人々はオーガニックコットン衣料の選択肢が1つ増えたことになります。
英語・中国語:Sandra Fang
About this column
This is a column about traveling and yoga, two of my passions. One allows me to explore the world outward, whereas the other leads me inward. Whenever I visit a new place, I’m interested in finding out the yoga scene there and the impact of yoga on the local community. Now follow me on a series of six writings to see the world through the lens of yoga.
A World Connected by Yoga — Taiwan
Last year in December, I was offered to teach a yoga workshop in Taiwan, so I delightfully jumped at the chance and went there for the forth time in my life.
Taiwan is full of surprises, it is one of the few places in the world where cultural and religious practices still stand strong in a modern landscape. If you’re tired of the concrete canyons and neon lights of the big cities, you can easily escape to the nature for a day or two. The delicious food, the friendly people, and the balance of culture and nature are what keep me coming back again and again.
I remember watching a Taiwanese documentary film “Beyond Beauty – Taiwan From Above”, which documents Taiwan in aerial photography. In the film, the breathtaking natural scenery of Taiwan captured my heart. On the other hand, the film also shows the pollution and the damages being done to the environment as a result of human greed and rapid industrialization. Even though the use of chemical pesticides in agriculture has ensured stable incomes for the farmers, it has serious long term side effects to the environment and negative impact on our health.
I’m sure this is not just happening in Taiwan, but a reflection of what’s happening around the world. My purpose of this trip to Taiwan, apart from teaching yoga, is to find a “pure” land where the people strive to live in harmony with the nature. I have long heard of a town called “Chihshang” in Taiwan, where many farmers put the efforts into practicing organic farming.
Chihshang is a rural township on the east coast of Taiwan. It’s known for its top quality organic rice production. The train took me there in 5 hours from Taipei. I chose to stay at a guesthouse in the middle of nowhere, where I could just wake up and see a stretch of rice fields when I opened the door. I took a stroll in the rice fields as the sun came out in the morning, the fog lingered on around the mountains. In December, the farmers had already done their harvest. The land showed the stems of the rice plants, strongly grounded down to the soil. To a city girl like me, it was a precious experience to feel the connection with the mother earth.
Most of the people living in Chihshang are farmers. But recently some Taiwanese young people are moving away from the stressful city life to smaller towns like Chihshang. Like the manager at my guesthouse was a young man in his late 20s. He decided to give up his city life and moved all the way here after falling in love with this place at his first visit. And the chef at a local home restaurant I went to, he quit his job at a French restaurant in Taipei and moved to Chihshang with his wife and 3 young daughters. He told us, “In Taipei, I worked until 11pm everyday, I rarely had time to spend with my family. I cooked for people everyday, but I didn’t have time to cook for my own family.” He settled down in Chihshang, opened his home as a restaurant, and welcomed tourists over for dinner. He passionately explained how to make each dish and how to savour the flavours of the local fresh ingredients, while his wife and two daughters served us.
All of these people living in Chihshang have something in common. They have developed a strong bond with this land. I talked to a local farmer, he told me, “organic farming isn’t easy, the cost is higher and the profit is low. But we believe that it’s a wise thing to do in a long term, both for the environment and for our own health. This land has nourished us for many generations, we want treat it nicely.”
His words reminded me of a line from the film, Beyond Beauty – Taiwan From Above, “Only if we treat our lands kindly, will the lands treat our children and grandchildren kindly in many years to come. We are all just visitors on this planet.”
Yoga teaches us to live life in a conscious way. We all have choices as consumers. We can choose to support businesses that put people and the environment before profits.
With a lot of gratitude to the land and the people I met in Chihshang, I then traveled to Taichung, where I taught a yoga workshop. The newly opened studio, Next Yoga Shop & Studio, is the first specialised yoga wear shop in Taichung city. It is the first shop in Taiwan that carries Yin Yang yoga wear, and now people living in Taiwan have one more choice of organic cotton clothes.
這是一個關於旅行和瑜伽的專欄,我的兩大熱忱。 前者引導我出去看外面的世界,後者讓我探索內心。每當我走到一個新的地方,我總是希望多了解當地的瑜伽發展,想要知道瑜伽對那裡生活的人們有什麼影響。我邀請大家跟著我,透過瑜伽的鏡頭去看世界。
透過瑜伽看世界 ~ 台灣
住在池上的人大多是農民。但近幾年也有不少的台灣年輕人離開壓力大的都市,來到小鄉鎮生活。像是在我民宿的管家,不到三十歲,第一次來到池上時就喜歡上這裏,放棄了都市的工作來到這裡生活。還有當地的一位廚師,辭了在台北法國料理餐館的工作,帶著太太和三個小女兒來到了這裏。他說,“我在台北時,每天工作到晚上11點,很少有時間陪家人。我每天煮好吃的法國料理給客人,從沒有時間煮給自己愛的家人。” 他們搬到池上後,打開自家門做餐廳,讓遊客來家裡吃晚飯。好吃又不貴。他滔滔不絕的給客人講解每一道用當地新鮮食材做的菜,怎麼品嚐。他的妻子和女兒在一旁幫忙。
滿懷對池上人和土地的感謝,我來到了台中上一堂瑜伽工作坊。這家剛開業的瑜伽館 Next Yoga Shop & Studio 是台中第一個瑜伽服裝專賣店。也是在台灣唯一可以買到Yin Yang瑜珈服的店鋪。住在台灣的人們又多了一項有機棉服的選擇了。