SANDRA FANG サンドラ・ファン
ヨガアライアンス E-RYT500


Yin Yangヨガウェアのコラムへ ようこそ。私は 長年にわたるヨガの実践者また講師として、ヨガはどんな方へも計り知れない恩恵を与えうると感じています。心身の健康のため、より健康的なライフスタイルのため、集中力を仕事でより高めるため、周りの人達とより良い関係を築くため等、どんな魅力をヨガに感じていようと、ヨガはそれら全ての側面の助けとなることができます
このコラムでは たくさんあるうちのほんの少ししかお話できないことが残念ですが、ヨガのたくさんの恩恵に預かれるように、ぜひともお近くのヨガスタジオのレッスンに参加したり、プロの先生方のもとで 一緒に練習してみてください。

About this Column

Welcome to my Yin Yang yoga wear column! As a long-time yoga practitioner and yoga teacher, I’m aware of the immense benefits yoga can offer to anyone. Whether you’re attracted to yoga for physical health, for a healthier lifestyle, for better focus on work, or for better relationships with others, yoga can help on all those aspects. Unfortunately there’s only so much I can share in this column, so don’t hesitate to join classes at your local studio and to practice with professional teachers regularly to receive the full benefits of yoga.

ウッティター ハスタ パーダングシュターサナ

ウッティター: 伸ばす
ハスタ: 手
パーダ: 足
アングシュター: 親指
アーサナ: ポーズ



Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana

Utthita hasta padangusthasana, or the extended hand to big toe pose, is a challenging yet invigorating pose that stretches the hips, strengthens the legs, and focuses the mind.

This pose is not easy for beginners because of the flexibility it requires in the groins and hamstrings. Before we go into the pose we can practice stretching out the hips on the floor with a strap.

柔軟性と共に、脚と胴体の強さが このポーズでバランスをとるための秘訣です。

Besides flexibility, strength of the legs and core is the key to find balance in this pose. Tree pose is a great pose to prepare the body for that. Focus on grounding the standing leg into the earth while lengthening through the spine and extend the crown of the head upward. Feel how the muscles around the standing leg and hips activating to stabilize the body.

準備が終わったら、ウッティター ハスタ パーダングシュターサナをしてみましょう。 タダーサナから、どちらか一方の脚に体重を移動させて、もう一方の足の親指か 足の外側を持って、脚をゆっくりと前に伸ばしていきましょう。脚を横に広げる前に、ここで数回 呼吸をしましょう。

After the preparation, we can try to enter utthita hasta padangusthasana. From tadasana, shift your body weight onto one leg, hold the big toe or the outer edge of the other foot, then try to extend the leg forward steadily. Stay here for a few breaths before taking the leg out to the side.

どうでしたか? このポーズでバランスをとることができましたか? 失敗しても、笑顔でもう一度トライしてみましょう。


How did it go? Did you manage to balance yourself in the pose? Try again with a smile if you fall.

Yoga is defined by more than the ability to put the body into various shapes, through the breaths and movements we bring the mind to an equanimous state. Yoga master Iyengar once said, “Yoga is a mirror to look at ourselves from within.” As we practice asana we can observe the mind from moment to moment. When the mind is busy or disturbed, it’s unlikely to stay in a balance pose for a long time. When the mind is calm, even challenging poses become easier to access. This pose helps us to train the mind so we learn how to face the ups and downs of life with more calmness and composure.

英語:Sandra Fang
日本語通訳:Eriko Matsumoto

